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UX Design

I improve digital products by creating user-friendly and enjoyable experiences through research, design, and testing. I focus on making interfaces intuitive and efficient to enhance overall user satisfaction.

Brand Development

I strategically build and shape a brand's identity through research and contextual elements. I collaborate with team members to create a distinct and memorable brand image that fits company goals and values. Elements such as logos, visual aesthetics, and brand style guides are primarily what I produce.

Social Media Marketing

Following the creation of a product, I also provide strong social media content, in video and graphics, to promote the brand. Animations and templated media are my primary deliverables so that marketing teams can reuse the content with minor changes.


A rising biotechnology company based in Rockville, Maryland targeting new business relations and advocating for change within the HIV treatment arena. I designed the layout of the site, produced staff headshots and videos, and created 3D scientific renderings, while also refreshing the brand style overall. During this project, I worked closely with the web developer and communications director to achieve a user friendly and sleek site that provides accessible information about gene and cell therapy. This site build launched in December of 2023.

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BikeSlice: Case Study

I created this UX design as a part of the Google UX Design certificate program. The main goal of this app was to connect the cyclist community through seamless pizza delivery from local pizza shops. The primary challenge of designing this app was integrating a location service with a food delivery interface. The target audience was cyclists within the DC metro area who enjoy pizza.  Seen below is a case study of a pizza delivery service based around biking and alternative transportation. I primarily use Figma, Photoshop, and Illustrator to create designs and assets based on client ideas and brand guidelines. 

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Wireframes & Early Concepts

As seen, early concepts for this design focused on accessibility and navigation through the app. I researched comparable sites like Dominos and Uber Eats to see how larger corporations operate those goals. 

Research & Lo-fi Mockups

Taking notes from Dominos, I wanted a softer and more welcoming interface for my app design. Dominos has a very clear path of navigation, but the hard squares, bright reds, and sterile lists felt lacking in emotion. I used the inspiration of flow from Dominos while incorporating more rounded edges, pastel colors, and negative space for a more relaxed user experience. 

BikeSlice Wireframe.jpg
Components and Design System

My goal with this design system was to promote warm tones and organic materials to feel familiar and friendly to users and inspire fellow cyclists to join the delivery team based on the welcome atmosphere. The hand drawn style of the logo and the burnt orange compared to a wintery blue help achieve this. Iconography that is recognizable and product photography of actual products also help connect users to the service with clear direction. 

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Final Design and Prototype
In conclusion, this design functions as an easy to use, appealing ordering system. I began this process as a learning exercise for the Google UX Design Program while simultaneously designing the new corporate site and brand guidelines for the Rockville based biotech company, Addimmune. In doing so, I adjusted imagery, color schemes, and accessibility challenges while also updating the interface to today's aesthetics. In all, this app shows my diverse range of skills and services. 
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